Thursday, April 19, 2012


Someone told me recently that I suck at blogging. Thank you, Captain Obvious! (ETA: SARA!)

My daughter, Ellie, turns 2 in about two weeks. I cannot believe how fast she went from this:

 To this:

Time flies when you're being awesome.

Fortunately, she's just as snuggly and kissable as the day she was born. She is, however, asserting her independence like she's 18. "I do it" is her new favorite phrase.

There is a quote that I think really embodies the person she is now and continues to become:

"Though she be but little, she is fierce!" -- William Shakespeare

Fierce indeed. While I fear the fierceness I see in her may be the death of me in the long run, it's a quality that I absolutely adore about her. I hope she always asserts herself. I want to see her get everything she wants out of life. And I believe, with the fierceness that I see in her, she will achieve whatever she sets out to achieve.

She can count to 20, and almost get all the way through her ABC's. She loves to color and to blow bubbles. She loves shoes. She is happy and healthy. What more could a mother want?

Not much at all. <3

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